Online Diary This Is My Life,My World ,My Fantasy: September 2013



Wednesday 18 September 2013


DAY 3.

last day we were there.
kononnya, pagi tu cadang nk tgok sunrise, sebb sunset da xdpt tgok dah.
tp. TAPI, everyone duk sedap tdoq..
hujan..... sejukkk. tdo pon cam perghhhh... hahahahaha.
so then, after subuh, tido balik till 9.00 am. act. our boat would  arrived at 12.00pm, but we decided to take picca for the last time.

here they are....

selepas semua da bergmbr puas2. act. bergmbr tu, xpenah puas. haha. 
smpai la, 2 boat kecik yg nk bwk kami ke boat besar tgh laut sana. 
boat tu sgt kecik, WHAT!. sgt tkot, with a lot of thingss. haha

ni la situAsi atas boat kecik, nmpk x, muka aku yg tkot tu kt belakang. haha

then kitorg pndah ke boat besar. hihihi. tkot nk lompat ke boat besar. pengalamn tuu

okayy selesai sudah bergmbar diatas boat. n this is the last entry for my trip. seronok la jugak. lau ad ppe nk tya. plizz contact me.:)

LOts Of LurVE

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nahh.. meh aku nk smbung,....
well, first of all, aku nk ucap thanks sgt2 kepada yana, iffat, raihan, farah, suhaslinda, nadia, yaya, kak dila, kak didi, syasya, and put kerana berjaya menjayakan our trip to pulau perhentian.
and thanks for the suprise partyy, walau xsurprise mana... tp, boleh la, hahaha
lepas dinner, smua duk sibuk nk g beli baju,
but at last, tggal aku dgn iffat je, setelah selesai byr smua, iffat dpt call,
pastu die duk gelak2, aku just curious, im asking kenp? and dia jwab, nth, yana ni bongok. HAHA
and im just like, ohhh. but something weird pop up. yela? yana call iffat??? haa cmtulahh.
but im just ignored my feeling, maybe yana nk tya ktorg kt ne kot. PERHAPS. haha
pastu kitorg pi la kt satu pondok, smua duk situ dah..
smua duk moyok, aku perasan, certain people hilang, put, yana, sue n nadia. sue n nadia mgkin kat bilik, sbb diorg ckp "SAKIT PEROT" . haha. mybe yes, or mybe just an excuse.
tetiba, tgh mengelamun, iffat nk pergi tands.n dia ajak farah hanani sekali, sbb farah hanani ckp die sakit perot, tp bila iffat mnx kunci dgn raihan, n ajak farah, farah buat derk, n ckp eh, xjdilah. hahaha.
aku ksian kt iffat, aku duk la offer diri nk teman iffat balik bilik. baik kan aku?? tp, aku xsdr yg sbnrnya,
aku tlah mengkacaw bilau kan diorg punya plan. hikss,.
sorry korang. i donno, siyesly,.
aku da mula ase pelik, sbb iffat langsung xd mood with me, aku ad buat salah ke??
im just ignored that feeling la. and, tgh2 menikmati pndangn tu, ternmpkla, put n somebody duk atas bangku.aku expect dak tu yana, maybe la. sbb aku xnmpk pon spe.
aku pggil la put, nk tya buat ap kt situ, dgn elok pkai topi segitiga tu..
tp put xpndang. pggil lagi, die xtoleh gak. statik je duk ats bangku tu, heyy..
perasaan aku dah lain macam dah. mgkin org lain, bukan put, and mgkin ilusi je. sbb lau bukn put, xkn die xpndg walaupon salah org.naseb baik xterkencing je, da la iffat tggalkan aku.
tgh2 aku pggil put, n put xlayn, aku jerit la iffat. aku ckp. "iffat, knp put duk situ sorg2,dia buat ap. iffat menonong je, xjwb. aku jerit lgi,. " iffat,, putt tu?"
iffat still buat endah xendah.
sah, ad xkena. iffat marah aku ke?
iffat nk sgt farah hanani teman kn ke, smpai marah aku cmtu?
heisyy pelik pelik.
and tambah pelik lagi, she kept getting call.slma ni xpenah2 plak. yg tmbh2 pelik, die yg ckp nk g tndas, dia xpi pon, aku je yg duk kuar masuk tnds, dlm bilik, she kept silence n messaging, calling. weirdoo n
aku  pastu buat2 la konon mls nk kuar.
sorryy iffat!. duk mls nk kuar, konon ngntok, penat, pdhal sesje nk tgok iffat jwab ap.
hehe. tp iffat xbg, okay. ting.. somthing will happened. aku kept thinking, diorg nk smbut besday, sbb dgn put pkai topi besday kan. tp, besday sapa.? duk pikir everybody punya tarikh, but, aku xdpt jwpan. so, im just ignored, mybe im wrong. iffat  ckp jomla kuar, amik2 gmbr, mlm last kan. and aku pon, ok la. its okayy.
iffat suoh tggalkn beg dlm bilik, aku ikot je, aku followed her dari belakang, dia mcm xd mood walau kdg2 tersengih,.
smpai kt budk3 luar tu, diorg ajak turun kt pasir2 pantai, turun la kami beramai2,
tp tbe2 sue n nadia yg duk sakit perot td tu, duk baling spray ap ntah kat smuaorg n sang birthday song.
smua buat muka confused. haha
n bila diorg mentioned nk smbut besday sapa. n everyone was clear. OHH.
actually, they wanted to celebrate My birthday, nadia's birthday, farah dee n diela' birthday. 4 people.
i got answer for my own question. peace.
rasa sgt terhru.. walaupon, xberapa nk suprise, tp suprise jgak, sbb xsgka, smbut MY BIRTHDAY too.
masa tu, diorg tiup belon, tp belon pon ntah terbang ke mana, haha
pity them.but really, kitorg mmg enjoy the nite,. n thanks for the surprise party.
okayy. penat. lets the picca talk!!

-tempat kejadian-

-sue dgn belonnya-

-get ready with prank, perhaps-

-putput with the preparation-

-indah nan suram-

birthday partyyy

- birthday girls-


-birthday girls dgn kek masing2-

-cammon tiup bebeh-

-iffat suap kek dgn rakus-

-sue yg manja-

-dgn yaya-

-kamilah birthday girls, hikss-

-sue n yaya-



-flying kiss-




-muka masam-
thats all, and kitorg terpksa berhnti kegilaan berkamera, sbb hari da nak hujan. masing2 duk balik bilik... dahh. haha
thanks for everything,. and


nk shre skit. hiksss,

kite dapat hadiah birthday from my bestieee

-from iffat, mar n raihan-

-from put yg wrna biru tu-


LOts Of LurVE

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our snorkeling trip to redang n Lang tengah. we wake up early in the morning. and went out to jetty at 9.30 am sharp. peghhh... sharp meyhh..but the boat wasnt coming yet, then we took some picca with a nerd look. what do i mean by a nerd look is, we were wearing life jacket altho we were  on the jetty. in the same time the tourist, just wear bikini without life jacket. hikss,.




-hot stuff-







after the boat arrived, we shoot to redang. a journey to redang took about 1 hour. tired in the boat.


lets picca talkkk

-boat di kejauhan-


at redang, we took some picca , went to gift shop. then we moved to marine park. at there, we started our snorkeling activity.

here, we started to snorkel. at first nampk cetek. everyone excited n went snorkel. but at last. blerghhhh.. sgt dalam, n jauh perjalanan.
everyone was very-very-very tired, double, triple tired. 
need the life guard to save us. 
were down there about 30-45 mnutes i guess.


after picnic, we rested for a while and at 2 pm we continued our journey to Lang tengah for last activity of snorkeling,...

-muka penat-

-sue yg tkot ikan-

-kak farah yg suka ikan-

-me, iffat n yana-

-ikan yg duk makan roti-

-with beautiful girl-



-iffat again-

-mereka yg berpelukan-

memandangkan Lang tengah merupakan spot akhir kami utk snorkeling, kat situ, kami cuba merakam seberapa yg boleh memori indah utk kenangan kami semua,.
masa ni, smua da berani terjun dalm air, demi sekeping gambar. hikss

selepas kami ber-Redang n Ber-Lang Tengah, kami singgah sebentar di Lata Berani

kt sni, air dia sejoookk sgt. air dari bukit, mengalir turun.,...
bukan air terjun, tp ad la air tuh.. kitorg mndi dgn penuh lazat, 
dgn gayung, macam mndi bunga pon ad. pstu konon la. msing2, duk tggu jodoh kunjung tiba. hahaha

after this, 
we shoot to Pulau perhentian, our snorkeling activity finished here. 

but, memandngkn, esok da tiba masa utk pulang,
kami still xpuas bermanja dengan ombak dan lautan,
we decided utk mndi laut around our resort. at first , igt nk mandi kt bhgian dpan, tp kt situ, byk lumpur, then kami pi bhgian pantai belah tepi, kt situ, byk gila gamat n besar!. yuckkss, then, terpksa la menyerang jambatn utk ke belah sna. pantai kt sana indah gilaaa.. xrgi penat menyeberang.

-menyeberang jambtan ke sana-

pntai yg sungguh jernih.

-cantik kan?-

setelah penat bermandi manda, kami amik keputusan utk pulang around 6.00 pm,
balik mandi, makan , solat n get ready for dinner.

yeahhh. dinner. 8.30pm, went out for dinner. got a beautiful spot. took piccass.

-first table-

-second table-

-third table-

-me and raihan-

-me n iffat-

p/s: untung duk tgh, smua gmbr kita ad. HAHAHA. tips. duk la tgh2.

after dinner, kitorg ran to gift shop, bought some key-chains n shirt. 
that nite, something happened.


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